Friday, January 12, 2024

After a Long Hiatus

Very Suddenly, inspiration hit.

It snowed!

And, then, too, a Met production was being live-streamed on a local theater screen.

The HM and I had a decision to make.  Should we enjoy the show at home: White Stuff Falling from the Sky (It's a show that is being produced here less and less frequently) ?  Or, as The HM suggested, should we, indeed,  go to the local theater and watch the Met show that was being live-streamed there?  

While it was tempting to stay home and watch the snow, the HM and I decided to spend three hours at the opera show.

Much to my delight, by the time we got back home, a visitor had shown up to give us a wide-armed and smiling welcome!

*Created by a young next-door neighbor

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