Sunday, October 24, 2021

One More Night,

of sleeping among the mountains.  And one more day of playing pool at the pool table,  and watching The Great British Baking Show on TV, and trike-riding on the trikes, and hiking and  mushroom-hunting in the woods.  There was also the one more day of reading, and strumming guitar or banjo (those who were [still are] adept).  I've got to show you one more day of the family vacation-- singing, and eating good food.

What with that baking show, and the singing, and the eating, it only makes sense we'd have a birthday cake at some point, does it not, Reader Dear?!

Oops, forgot to mention two other popular pastimes (when it happened to be raining outside):

Let me assure you, Dear Reader, this inclination for playful fighting was restricted to a small subset (my small actors) for small amounts of time.
And, too, there was the playing of video games--once again, the small actors,  on small screens, small amounts of time!

Overall, we were toasting the good times, in spite of the rain!


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