"Artie (cousin, and Small Actor) will be a pro at this!" is what my daughter predicted to me. "It's the only way to get Ira (Tiny Actor) out onto the dance floor!"

"Nope!" they all declared, their plates piled with cookies, animal crackers and goldfish.
More and more tots arrived (This dance was specifically planned for the youngsters, though there were plenty of adults who couldn't stand still to the music ! [I confess, Reader Dear, I was one of them, though I did my best not to make a fool [dancing fool, that would be] of myself!*)
*That twisting-and-shouting number, well, who else, Listener Dear, would really know anything about that dance?!
By the time the dance was in full swing, and the Small Actor had eaten his fill of sweets, he had a look of readiness in his eye. It didn't take a whole lot of urging and suddenly he was on his foot and moving! So then the Tiny Actor, just as his mother had predicted, eagerly followed the Small Actor onto the dance floor! They lingered at the edge for a while; but, before long they were full-fledged little dancing devils in the middle of that crowd!
(So much so, Viewer Dear, that their grandmother had a hard time turning off her camera!)
**The oldest of my diminutive actors (Little Actor) is not into dancing (or massive crowds of preschoolers). But he did most patiently endure the dance (kudos to him!) and he got his fill of cookies.
Who knew Artie would be channeling Michael Jackson! That child can move!
Yes! He was the best dancer there! :-)
I was just remembering with my Mom how you and I and our friends sat on the sidelines in gym class whenever they were "dancing". Good grief, they were folk dances and there were no boys anywhere around. I am glad we have progressed beyond that narrow view of good, healthy grooving to the music!!
Oh, LTF, I so agree! There were many aspects of our growing-up environment for which to be truly grateful; but, not dancing is not one of them!! (I believe I would have excelled at it (unlike all those sports!) making phys. ed. fun!
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