Sunday, November 15, 2015

I Like the Gray, November Day

And bare dead boughs that coldly sway against my pane.
I like the rain.
I like the fall,
the mist and all.

Except, truth be told, Dear Reader, I far prefer the sun and all.
Plus unusual warmth,
let it befall!
(Thus far, here in my spot of the world, November has treated the residents warmly)


It's been such gloriously sixty-ish weather for the first half of the month that my little actors and their entourage were able to take shirt-sleeve walks in two different parks on two separate Sunday afternoons!

On that first occasion, the movie I produced is entitled, Into the Wild Bamboo.

Fortunately, the little explorers were not lost in the jungle during their expedition. I was able to get the sequel:
Out of the Wild Bamboo

Second Occasion:  Millport Conservancy Park.

Oh, yes.  It's so true!
I very much prefer the yellow to the gray (November day)! 


sk said...

So when was the bonfire?

KTdid said...

Alas, sk, it got late. It got cold.
He burned the pile sans food and family and friends.