THIS IS WHAT THE THERMOMETER registered today at 3:30 pm, which is downright freaky considering that my tulips haven't all opened their lovely blooms yet and the trees are still struggling into their leafy garb.
Only the second day of heat and my enthusiasm for summer has already waned considerably.
If I grumble enough will spring return?
Aiming for Spring,
the gods overshot.
Loving summer we sing,
then complain we're too hot.
Whim fickle ours,
overwhelmed by heat:
Skips May showers,
forgets burned feet.
Sending off a comment,
there's no telling its landing.
You may have shot for good
but you hit outstanding!
Take II
Aiming for Spring,
the gods overshot.
Summer's praises we sing,
then complain it's too hot.
Whim fickle ours,
seduced by the heat:
Skipped May showers,
only to get burnt feet.
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