AFTER A DAY that seemed almost a ditto (of yesterday...and...don't run away, I'm not about to dwell on the details again!), I came home to "walk the walk" and it was refreshing! This flock of birds in the field would fly up in a lovely cloud of flapping wings when startled, swoop in a large and graceful figure eight in the sky and return to their feeding. Their choreography was superb!

Everywhere around me it was as though nature had looked at the calendar and said "gotta change!...it's time to dress for fall!" The corn, in particular, had done a fast donning of its little brown rustly number.

It looked so tall and elegant, glistening in the sun and dancing in the breeze. I thought I'd show you
its choreography...such an admirable job with limited mobility! (Except that I can't seem to get the little video clip to "upload"...maybe later. I'm sure it will be doing its
Dance in the Wind another day).

And Jakie's tobacco barn...filled with the freshly-hung pungent leaves, gives out a surprisingly delightful aroma as I walk by. Here's a little whiff...breathe deeply.
And then the batteries ran out on my camera. So here's my truism for today...technology may fail you, but nature never will--Autumn will always follow summer and it will
always put on a show!
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