what twist of fate will ultimately prompt me to post another blog tale. It appears that a weekend spent with all of my diminutive actors and the Little Actress might provide the twist. It was verging on two weeks ago that the HM and I hosted our offspring for a long weekend at a mountain house owned by an Amish man. This owner is an acquaintance of the HM. "I've got a house in the mountains," this chap told the HM, "that I rent out to groups. I've got only ONE weekend left that is still open for the taking." (My parenthesis: not exactly "taking"...as in, there's a reasonable charge.)
The HM and I swooped in on the deal. Ergo, our offspring all took COVID tests prior to traveling to this spot, came up with across-the-board negatives, then went to this mountain house for Indigenous Peoples' Day weekend.
We had a marvelous time (speaking for myself only, Reader Dear, but surmising it was a mutual sentiment). Considering this property is Amish-owned, you may suppose it lacked amenities. You may be quite mistaken, Surmiser Dear! Even though the ample in-ground swimming pool was closed for the season, there was plenty to keep us occupied.
First Son-in-Law, who truly knows mushrooms, led us all on an interesting Mushroom Expedition.
Following which, he cooked some up with butter for our eating pleasure.
Just a note of caution, Viewer Dear: One should not go picking toadstools willy-nilly and consuming them. Without the advice of a mushroom expert, one is liable to find oneself pushing up daisies/mushrooms of one's own! (Aarrgh, Dear Reader, no frowning at Yours Truly. It wasn't I who made up that old euphemism!)
Instead: eat these, wild Shitakes, Blewits, and hmm, what was the name of that other one, the mother lode?!: