let me make clear, Dear Reader, without any pauses, or hesitations, or beating around the bush, that what I'm about to say right now can only be described as introductory and preliminary, merely leading to the main topic. I just want to spell out, without pussy-footing around, the essence of the matter, what it is I'm attempting to convey. I do not wish to dilly-dally, or get mired down in details. Since I've decided on an introduction, it's going to be brief and to the point. Better to just go right ahead and say what I've got to say, no superfluous words cluttering up the message, no flowery excess, no extraneous expressions to sidetrack from the main topic. So, without further ado, without dragging my feet or making things more complicated than they need to be, and without, you know, Reader Dear, driving anyone crazy with unnecessary wordiness...
I AM WISHING YOU, Dear Reader Dear
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