After I had carried my filled bags and boxes into the donation area, I parked my car and walked around to the front entrance of the store.
Now, I usually preach myself a little sermon when I drop things off at the store, and today was no exception. "Dropping things off is only half the equation, you know," I told myself. "This place would not be able to function if persons only donated and no one ever went into the store to shop. Go on in! It won't hurt to look around. If you find anything to buy, you can keep this loop of donations going."
During this particular trip that I'm telling you about, Dear Reader, it wasn't until I had perused most of the store before something caught my eye. It was in the far back of the store--the toy section-- that I saw it: a big see-through zippered bag filled with brightly-colored plastic balls. So many balls! I was attracted by the sheer quantity. The price tag said four dollars.
The price was right!
The timing was right!
I walked out of that store with eighty-nine brightly-colored plastic balls*!
My plan was to carry these balls along to Lewes and surprise all my little actors with them.
I'll just tell you right away, Dear Reader, the plan was a good one.
It was a success!
It's hard to say who had the most fun--me doing the presentation, or all the small ones scooping up the balls rolling everywhere and sending them flying around the room.
The following morning, the actors and I re-did the scene for filming. However, the element of surprise was missing. Please understand, Viewer Dear, though my actors are terrific at what they do, the glee and delight of that very first dumping of the balls was too difficult to re-create. In the original, there were lots of shouts of surprise and exultation, missing from this short show. You'll have to use your imagination.

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