Part 3--Rocket Balloons

Ah, Reader-Viewer Dear, these balloons, the ones that I had picked up on a whim at the drugstore (on a table full of discounted items, [making them quite inexpensive, indeed]) were blown up into the pop hit of the day!
There were twenty balloons in the pack, with a small plastic hand pump included. Each balloon was used numerous times until it got too tired or too pumped, and burst! This was an action that always startled everyone and elicited screams of laughter!
But the Rocket Balloons were most entertaining for their flights up into the air, up into the trees, skimming the lawn, their whirling loop-de-loops, the silly noises they made on each frenzied trip!
Though I found no Yelp reviews for Rocket Balloons (possibly because, once they are pumped and in the business of entertaining, one still cannot label them as an "entertainment business"), I'd advise you, Dear Reader-Viewer, to snatch up any you might find on a discount table at the drugstore or full-priced and elsewhere! It will be the best value you can hope to find for your Fourth-of-July Picnic (as well as School's- Out Picnic, Happy Birthday Picnic, Labor Day Picnic, next year's Memorial Day Picnic, Little-Jimmy-Lost-a-Tooth Picnic, Grandpa-Lost-All-His-Teeth Picnic, Grandma-Got-Her-Driver's License-(Back) Picnic, The-Dog-Had-Puppies Picnic, or...really, just any kind of picnic you can think up! In fact, there doesn't even need to be a picnic to enjoy these balloons [but it's a known fact that food always makes things more of an event*]!)
Rocket Balloons are appropriate for ages two through sixty-nine (for younger or older picnic attendees, you will need to use your own judgement, Dear One)!
*Were you to issue, Reader Dear, an invitation to your Rocket Balloon Launchings with no mention of picnic or party or food or drink of any kind, just how many guests do you suppose would show up?!**
**Though there's always the chance these invited ones have just read my (non-Yelp) review of Rocket Balloons, in which case you'd better drag out all your lawn chairs, Dear Reader!
(to be continued, as there is a final part to this final episode of this only-one-season show)
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