I get so far behind, Reader Dear, that I dwell on blogation-hibernation.
And, then, a rainy day such as this very one comes along.
I start to think back to that absolutely fabulous Memorial Day family picnic, and how frabjous the weather, and how easy (voila!) it would be to show the delightful day with a few pics!
Season One, Episode one--FOOD:
The meal consisted of Beef Ribs, done on the grill by HM,
Baked Potatoes, Cole Slaw, Watermelon, and lots of etcetera.

Season One, Episode two--ENTERTAINMENT
Part 1--Rides:
These consisted of Bike Rides and Trike Rides,
as well as (drum roll here),
Horse Rides!
The HM has got himself a miniature horse, purchased with an accompanying baby, unborn until the week after purchase. (Surprise, surprise! A new foal! The HM was over-the-moon happy about it, as the auctioneer, too, had been unaware of the mare's pregnancy).
Episode two,
Part 2--Naming Contest.
The HM had named his tiny horse Precious. Now he had arranged for a Naming Contest to determine what we would call the (even tinier) baby horse. The contest included a (bagful of candy) prize for the winner!
It's a far sweeter name, as well as far more to (most*) everyone's liking!
Season One,
Episode two,
Part 3
to follow, Viewer Dear...
*Name I submitted on behalf of
a smaller participant who wished to
remain anonymous (yes, yes, I assure
you, it's true, Reader Dear [in the event you should
be questioning my integrity])!
(...to be continued)
1 comment:
What a great day and time you had. Glad you blogged about this, it made it possible for us to see our family and you folks. John T
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