Aargh. The Common Cold has Conquered!
1. It has conquered my will to get out of bed.
2. It has conquered my will to dress myself in something other than pajamas.
3. It has conquered my will to do anything more productive than make myself a cup of coffee.
4. It has conquered my will to look at the clock as it ticks toward noon.
5. It has conquered my will to stop thinking of 1:00 p.m. as the "new noon".
6. It has conquered my will to stop thinking of myself as Mother Theresa for staying home all day and not spreading the virus around.
7. It has NOT, however (no, I will NOT allow it! the Devil be damned), conquered my will to stop making this list and start thinking of things to do that are actually worthwhile and productive and helpful to the world...*
(As I grab for a tissue, and produce another sneeze that would break the Richter Scale)
*You know, a la Mother Theresa, for real.
Or, maybe Michelle Obama.
Er, well, at least like the next door neighbor woman, who is working in her flower beds.
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