I'm sure to make it to the other side of the bridge. All I need to do is find the HM when I get to Anastasia Island.
Okay, Dear Reader, I'm happy to inform you that I've arrived. I'm no longer on the bridge. I'm on the Island. Left side of the road. And I see that it's really dark away from the bridge. HM is going to have a hard time finding me.
Hmm. On which side of the road should I stand? How far from the end of the bridge? Has the HM already arrived on the island, and is now waiting up ahead? How far ahead do I walk, looking for him, before I cross the road and go back? Where did he get to?! Was HM the one to collapse, and there's no way to let me know with my dead cell phone?!
Well, here's the thing, Reader Dear, I've got such an imagination. Though I'm not freaking out just yet, I'm calmly making plans for when I do.
My plans are just about complete: I'll walk along until I find a business that's still open [or, perhaps just another human being walking about beside the road (it's not real populated here, but there's got to be another human being [with cell phone in hand (or pocket or purse [I'm not picky about that detail])] at some not-too-distant spot).
I'll beg the use of the phone (and, if disallowed [surely not (I'll wax eloquent, share all my imaginings)] I'll simply have to go on searching). After procuring the use of a phone, I'll attempt to make a call to HM. Not getting an answer will necessitate an urgent message as to my whereabouts (with clear description of my relation to the owner of this phone (that is not being answered [plus a detailed description of where to find me, should the listener (pray God there will be one [at some point, surely]) I will make a plea for said listener to come find me, and reunite me with HM (who is [well, I'm leaving that up to YOUR imagination, Reader Dear. You've got to place him somewhere [in some condition]....)....
As I stated earlier, I was just about ready to put my plan into action when I saw a dark car pulling off the side of the road. After looking closely, I saw it was the very car I had been using in my imaginary story!
The moon was still shining brightly!
I was still smiling!
"Whatever took you so long?!* I asked of HM.
"I thought you had died!" I said.
Thank goodness you didn't, of course!" I added.
"But, happy as I am to see you, if you were going to be so late anyway, you could have made it a bit longer.
The story was just getting really interesting!"

*"I started talking to one of those drivers
who gives carriage rides"
responded HM.
(He'd got carried away by that fellow horse-driver!
You see, in the event you thought, Reader Dear, that HM was only aka His Majesty, no, no...in addition, he is aka Horse Man!)
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