Monday, August 14, 2017

It was a Black and White Weekend.

There were the vibrant colors of music (the Black jazz quartet, the White bluegrass band), friendship, and lovely weather.)  And there was the sadness of sorrowful news (the hatred expressed in Charlottesville, Virginia).

Friday evening: It's good to be early for a movie showing, just to be sure you get good seats.  The Yard Man and I agree on this, but never feel quite the same degree of compulsion to arrive early (and then, too, the definition of "early" can vary). Since I had gotten the six tickets for The Yard Man and myself and four of our friends to attend the Friday night movie, I wanted to make sure that "early" was, in fact,  early!.

Aha.  (We arrived to the option of choosing absolutely any seat in the theater!) Reader Dear, (I have to tell you), I laughed loudly with delight!

Saturday night:
Ice cream with toppings, topped by a super-charming evening of jazz!*

Listener Dear, I'll share the music.  You know (please say you do) that I would also make you a Taster Dear if ice cream could be shared across the miraculous internet waves!

And then:
Sunday lunch under a lovely sky, beside a fountain.

Plus our regular Sunday-evening concert at the park:  this clip featuring First Son-in-law, Small Actor, Tiny Actor and...
The Steel Wheels!**

Reader Dear, if not for the very sad news of hatred's triumph over love**,  the weekend would have been a multi-colored rainbow of black-and-white excellence!

*Featuring Delfeayo Marsalis on the trombone (son of Ellis, nephew of Winton) at Mount Gretna, PA!

**[From the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia***]

*** Virginia [my home state]: Capitol city: Richmond.  Also well-known: Charlottesville.
State slogan: "Virginia is for Lovers".

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