Sunday, May 8, 2011


STILL SCOOPING UP THE PAST, Dear Reader, but this time the not-so-distant. It was only night before last that I spent the evening alone with the Little Actor. * My camera was whirring madly.

First there was the playground:

Then the faux playground.

Followed by a brief attempt to get into the not-quite NBA.

Rather unsuccessfully, sad to say,

but a good life lesson, anyway:
Tall people call the shots.

Not to fret--on the long walk home,
playgrounds spring up when least expected.

And then there's supper!

And a short stint as chef-in-training.

After which it's bath, bed and beyond....

When I've got it spliced together and edited, Dear Reader.
I'll need a title for my brand-new feature-length movie.
I'm thinking: It's a Wonderful Life. That has a positive ring.
Perhaps: A Star is Born. Or maybe (the
Little Actor lives on the west side of town):
West Side Story.

Not to be confused, Reader Dear--
I've now got two leading men,
both of them heartthrobs!)

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