stories (I'm talking to myself, Reader Dear. It's what often happens when I'm about to turn backward in time).
During that lengthy and unnerving era of the pandemic when most everyone I knew stayed at home, that's what the HM and I did, too, most of the time. We stayed at home. Well, we stayed in hibernation other than trying to get food and other essentials (coffee, toilet paper,...[don't make me enumerate everything, Reader Dear]). If you'll recall, theaters were not showing movies. Many restaurants were not open for business, unless it was drive-through. Shopping for non-essentials was not done in person. The local mall was locked up tight. Even gathering in person with friends was a no-no.
Cold weather was starting to add its chilliness to the then-current unpleasant situation. Most all news was of the unpleasant sort: Dear Reader, think presidential campaign jargon; think ridiculous and clearly false statements by a frantic sitting president who did not know what to do about a worldwide pandemic. That was about the time when I suggested to the HM on a random Friday that we should just go for a drive. Take a little trip away from our neighborhood. Albeit relatively local, we could still consider it a trip abroad (in the broadest sense of "abroad").
It's what we did. We got in the car and headed west. Where we ended up was beside the river that is the western border of the county in which we live. It's the same river beside which I sojourned for a while some years ago, the one with the seven bridges. It's a lovely river, Reader Dear. It's much lovelier seen from an outdoor table on a balmy autumn evening than from a hospital window (of that you can be sure.)
We had a light supper on an outdoor deck at a restaurant on the far side of the river.My goodness!!
Yikes! What was going on as we crossed the bridge, headed home?!*
*Keep in mind, Dear One, this was late October, COVID-slash-election year in the USA!
To be continued...
Hm. A Friday. The election had just been decided?
(Great video!)
Late October. I believe this loud and in-our-faces crowd was trying to make a convincing push to vote for the orange-complected candidate.
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