Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Big Day

draws near.
I called the Dark-haired Daughter and David this afternoon, on the first leg of their trip from  Asheville, NC (I supposed).  "Where are you?" I asked. "Are you getting here around midnight?"
"No, we're only an  hour away!" she said.  "We left early!"
So, Reader Dear, it turned out  

they (Dark-haired Daughter, the [dark-haired] Son-in-Law, along with the [dark-haired] dog) were also drawing near!

Turns out, The Small Actor and his dad were on their way to our house, too.   So I lit into the mountain of food on my kitchen counter (just back from a food-procurement shopping trip),
and I did myself proud with a very tasty sausage and tomato soup (Best he ever ate, declared The Yard Man; hmm, he's prone to superlatives, Reader Dear, when he's hoping for a repeat!)  And I chopped up fruit for salad (my latest binge).

Here's the thing, Dear Reader.  I knew Christmas was getting close, but I didn't expect it to get out of the car with our dear loved ones the way it did!
Oh, Merry Holidays!


sk said...

Lovely post. Lovely night kitchen.

KTdid said...

Thanks, lovely friend! Q.