I WENT CAPERING off with The Yard Man (forty years ago; and last Sunday, too). Certainly, all those decades of togetherness deserved Paris or Polynesia at the very least, but Cape May, New Jersey, was our destination.
Since we were going in the direction of Longwood Gardens (as well as the fact that it was the site of our very first time in each others' company after "Oh, here's someone you've got to meet!" [i.e. our very first date!]), we opted to stop there for a breakfast of chili and cornbread. (Okay, well the menu was what it was). And then, a lovely surprise--
They'd arranged to have forty-thousand flowers blooming just for us!
(Amazing how many others folks were there to see them, too!)
It was just our anniversary luck to have a rave-worthy treat and a leisurely visit with Mr. Billy B. Goat before the jogging masses arrived.
(There were chickens at this winery, as well, but I haven't the faintest idea why I'd wish to show them to you, Viewer Dear)
...to be cont'd...
(as there is so much more that I do wish to show you)
Is that a donut? Oh heavenly. And the field of tulips with those jaggedy whatevers rising on their poles.
Yes, a doughnut--the best I ever ate excluding yours!
I did my usual raving and savoring and swooning and told The Yard Man it would be rapturous to wolf down at least five more if I did not know without a doubt I'd live to rue it. (Well, no one can know with absolute certainly that they'll live another moment; but, had I died before I got the chance to rue the over-indulgence, at least I'd have died on a happy note--licking my fingers in the bright sunshine with the spouse of forty years by my side!)
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