"IT'S SUCH A PRETTY evening,"I said to The Yard Man yesterday."Let's take Wanja to First Friday in the city." I did not know whether this fifteen-year-old from Germany would find much about which to be excited in the galleries and gift shops, but I knew that I wanted to go. The weather seemed to be almost, very nearly, right on the verge of spring-like! Besides, I was pretty sure Wanja would readily acquiesce to the plan; what did he have to lose? He had already watched every stale old video-cassette that we own (Turner and Hooch, Tootsie...).
And then...first thing out of the car, something sparked his interest.
It could have been a one-vehicle parade, the way Wanja and The Yard Man watched that car and driver pass by!
And Wanja also gamely strode through the galleries with their various presentations, watched the musical renditions,
and in general seemed to enjoy himself.
As for me, I was totally tickled by the one-man band!
"Look at that!" I exclaimed to The Yard Man and Wanja, as we came upon this twitching, shuffling, strumming guy on the sidewalk, "He's playing two musical instruments and singing!"
"Three instruments!" said The Yard Man.
Well, duh. So that was why he was doing the weird thing with his feet (Yes, you knew, Viewer Dear. Of course you knew...
...and if not, I've got views from all angles to show you)!
We saw other sights and sounds that were entertaining (I liked the young folks cartwheeling down the middle of the street after dark ["This I can do, too," said Wanja]) But, ultimately, the one-man-performing-as-four I found four times more fascinating than anything else!*
*(or approximately so)
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