SUPERLATIVE! THE WEATHER YESTERDAY, Reader Dear, was enough to make me think that life is a bed of roses; that Murphy's Law is a manifest misrepresentation of the truth; that whatever will be, will be wonderful; that weeds and thorns and gloomy skies are the rarest of rare abberations; that there will always be singing; that world peace is a plausible possibility!
Yes, the weather was fantastic! Staying indoors was out of the question! I took a walk past the house of my Amish neighbors, and I could see by the excess of buggies parked there and the line-up of hats on the porch that "church" was going on.
And, oh my goodness... I could hear the singing! (Pertinent pause)...hmm, what was it I just said, Listener Dear?!
It was definitely that kind of day!
Hate to put a damper on it, but if you'd been indoors, stuck to the hard bench and droning along dutifully--? What's this rhapsodizing? Huff.
Well, you're absolutely correct, Shirley...that would've been a hard spot to be in!
And, naturally, it rained the next day (Monday): all that rosiness washed right down into the ground! (Sigh. World peace not possible)
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