Monday, July 27, 2009


It's when I first put a little blog posting out there.
I blogged about blogging.
Then I just kept bloggitty-blogging,
Sometimes like a swimmer, lapse after lapse,
but never stopping the bliggitty-blog.
And what started with a readership of one,
grew to be a whole...great big...entire...

To be honest, I don't really know how many
dear readers I have. Maybe more than a handful,
perhaps a bucketful. Or a bathtub-full
(oh merry scene

But I'd like to say,
Even if the tub's not full,
I'll keep the blogspot faucet open.
And I'm ever so grateful for your smart and interesting and kind and clever and funny and astute and witty and clueless comments (I didn't mean it--no clueless ones--just said that for the alluring alliteration)
. Yes, I think the world of you, dear readers!

So here comes another year.
Yada, yada, yada.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Shel Silverstein (here I thought it was Laura Ingalls Wilder): What I have to say is, oh goodie. Love, sk