did I waken to a rainy day, and tell you about it, Viewer Dear, than I woke up this morning to a very wishy-washy day!
It was as though the weather itself couldn't make up its mind! Should it be Cheerful or sad? Wet or dry? Happy or weeping? Gloomy or gleeful? Should it put on shades of yellow, or shades of gray? Should it be as quiet as sunshine, or sing a song of rain?
In case you are wondering, Reader Dear, the answer is... Yes, I could go on! Now that I've anthropomorphized the weather to such an extent, I've got to confess, I'm tempted to write a short work of fiction regarding its dire indecision. (Or, perhaps a documentary; who's to know?!) But, relax, Dear One. No sooner had I stepped outside to look for a rainbow, than the weather shook off its debate with itself and got very quiet. It settled on yellow for the rest of the day. Personally, Reader Dear, I was pleased with the choice. As beautiful and unique as that dual number the weather had first put on, I felt it would not wear well if kept on all day.