Though it might sound corny, Reader Dear...TOMORROW will be TOO LATE!
As the HM declared, "It's got to be today! Tomorrow, I can't pick the corn; and, anyway, tomorrow it will be too late! The corn is starting to get old."
Naturally, I dropped everything on my schedule and did the corniest activity around. I blanched ears of corn (for the uninitiated, Dear Reader [just in case you happen to be one], "blanching" entails putting the ears of corn into a pot of boiling water and boiling for about six minutes (opinions vary on length of time); that's followed by plunging the ears into icy-cold water]). Then, I cut the kernels of corn off the cobs of corn, and I froze those kernels in bags labeled, "Corn, about ___ ears, August, 2021"
It took all of my morning hours to accomplish this feat.
But, you see, otherwise, the HM and I, we wouldn't now have a total of "about 36 ears" of corn to add to the stash that is already in the freezer. We can possibly withdraw a portion on a miserable, chilly, late-fall evening, and cook it into a sunshine-yellow-gold dish that tastes like a gloriously warm, yellow-gold summery day!
Between you and me, Dear Reader, I'm so happy I managed to get to the task in a timely manner!*
*Before it was, you know, TOO LATE!