This morning I was offered a chance to sit for a while by myself in a small room with very little of entertainment value to be seen. It was for this reason, Reader Dear, that I somewhat spontaneously decided to became a scholar of the science of vision. How fortunate for me that the sole decoration on the walls was a framed anatomical diagram of the human eye!
I wish I could tell you, Dear Reader, that I'm well on my way to a doctoral degree. However, my ophthalmologist showed up a bit too soon. She wanted to peer into the human eyes in my very own head! It kind of foiled my aspirations.
Well, then, lo and behold, later in the day I was ushered into another tiny room and given a second chance! Alas, I realized right away that I would have to switch my field of study from ophthalmology to cardiology. I really wasn't sure, Dear Reader, if I had the heart to start over!
(The human part said Well, maybe. But the bovine piece just said Moo.)
However! In addition to a detailed chart on the wall, there was also a very nifty model of the human heart! It's what swayed me to plunge once again into human anatomy studies.
Had my cardiologist not briskly strode in when he did, to study the still-beating organ in my very own chest, who's to say how soon I'd be stealing his patients from him?!
In regards to Halloween, Dear Reader, I followed the same old routine. I bought a (smallish) bag of chocolate candy. At six p.m. I ate two pieces and turned on the porch light. At six-thirty, my yard man showed up (he was dressed like a horse man), and he ate two pieces, as well.
We sat down to our supper and debated the likelihood of getting any trick-or-treaters at our door, and the possibility of Romney becoming president. The odds, we decided, were about the same in each case.
At eight p.m., Dear Reader, I turned off the porch light.